


Hi, I’ve just discovered Ash, and it looks very interesting. In particular I love the idea of a declarative data model representation. However I’ve a problem : Im’ in an environment where I must use MySQL (well… a Percona xtradb cluster actually). Is it possible to use Ash with MySQL ? Is there a data layer for MySQL (didn’t find one) ? Is Ash usable with a db bu twithout a data layer ? Or even, how much work would it be to make a MySQL data layer for Ash ?

Thanks in advance.


We do not have MySQL data layer yet, but it’s on the roadmap 🙂 making a data layer for it shouldn’t be too difficult by basing it in ash postgres, but likely difficult for a newcomer to Ash. Ash can be used without a data layer. Certain features may be missed out on though or would be harder to use because they must be implemented manually.


But you could do something like this:

defmodule MyResourceInMySQL do
  use Ash.Resource
  import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2]

  actions do
    read :read do
      manual fn query, _ ->
        # you can implement query tooling on your own if you like
        # it will eventually be provided for you.
        ecto_query = 
          from row in {"table_name", __MODULE__},

        {:ok, MySqlRepo.all(ecto_query)}